What's it Like Wearing An I Love Road Cycling VIP Jersey
I’m not saying you’ll get superpowers, but you will be comfortable, you will look good, and you will be recognized by other VIPs on the street. Kinda like being a rock star! See what it's like wearing a VIP Jersey. Mitch Tarr VIP Jerseys make people smile! Mar MiDo I'm fairly new to road cycling having bought my bike exactly a year ago but in August of last year I took the plunge and did my first charity Century. Lo and behold at least two people recognized the kit as they were also members of VIP. I instantly felt like I...
You know you're a cyclist when...
This was published in the I Love Road Cycling - VIP Group by Mark Matthias. We couldn't agree more. 01. Realizing that the hill isn’t in the way; it is the way. 02. You go from one pair of shorts to a dedicated drawerful. 03. Being unable to sleep the night after you first shave your legs, because of the tingle of bedsheets against your skin. 04. When “thanks for the ride” goes from something you overhear to part of your vocabulary. 05. You see someone at the beach with a cycling tan (on the quads and biceps), and give...
We'll be live soon! How about November 2 as a target date?
This is I Love Road Cycling store’s blog. You'll hear about new product launches, experiences, tips or other news you cycling VIPs want to read about.